Tag Archives: Twilight saga

Episode 181 – The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer


This is our seventh anniversary episode! We’ve been podcasting for much longer than the titular character of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner has been a vampire. We’d been putting off reading this Twilight novella because we suspected there wouldn’t be too much to talk about, and well, we were kinda right. Still, we had a great time talking to our all-time most frequent guest Carrie again. Plus, we experienced some of the Friendship Challenges from the Twilight: Eclipse card game, and I think it’s safe to say we all grew from the experience. Listen to this episode while politely petitioning Stephenie Meyer to write another book! #WheresFred

Readers advisoryHere.


When this novella was released in 2010, Stephenie Meyer pledged $1 from the sale of each copy to go towards earthquake relief in Haiti, and ended up donating a total of $1.5 million.

As there was another earthquake in Haiti, and inspired by SMeyer’s charitable example, this month we donated $150 of our Patreon proceeds to Partners in Health, an NGO that does a lot of good work in Haiti and elsewhere.

Stephenie Meyer’s ‘Bree Tanner’ Raises $1.5 Million for Red Cross by Amy Wilkinson

Quileute Move to Higher Ground

Worst Bestsellers Drinking Game

Episode 158 – Midnight Sun

Episode 133 – The Host

Episode 107 – 4th Anniversary Twilight Spectacular

Episode 82 – Breaking Dawn

Episode 40 – Twilight Life and Death

Episode 31 – New Moon

Episode 01 – Twilight

Coming up next: Michelle Remembers by Lawrence Pazder & Michelle Smith.


Worst Bestsellers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 181 – The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory

Episode 158 – Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

There’s a lot that’s bad about 2020, but hey, we’ve made it to our 6th anniversary! We are feeling extremely #blessed that Stephenie Meyer saw fit to release Midnight Sun just in time for this momentous occasion. Even so, we indulged in some day drinking with our very first guest Carrie to get through this book. We’re planning to record a sober Q&A follow-up episode, so if you have questions about the book that were left unanswered by our tangent-filled episode, please email them to us at worstbestsellers at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening to us for six years (?!)

Readers advisoryHere.


Quileute Move to Higher Ground

Worst Bestsellers Drinking Game

Episode 133 – The Host

Episode 107 – 4th Anniversary Twilight Spectacular

Episode 82 – Breaking Dawn

Episode 40 – Twilight Life and Death

Episode 31 – New Moon

Episode 01 – Twilight

Griffin and David Present The Phantom Podcast

The Batman Teaser Trailer

Team Alice Fanart

Candy Pairing:  Carrie says candy corn pumpkins, Kait says Twilight-branded Sweethearts, Renata says green apple Skittles.

Coming up next: The First Time by Colton Underwood.


Worst Bestsellers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)



Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 158 – Midnight Sun

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory