Category Archives: Extras

Guest Post: Flowers In the Attic (The Appeal Thereof)

After our episode about Flowers in the Attic, the fabulous Sigrid Ellis sent us an email reflecting on the appeal of Flowers in the Attic, something we struggled to comprehend in the episode. We thought she touched on some interesting truths about Flowers in the Attic and other books of that ilk that we hadn’t really considered before, so we asked if she’d let us share her message here. She agreed, so here it is! Thanks, Sigrid!

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Filed under Extras

In Defense of Fifty Shades of Grey (Sort of)

Since reading this book for our last episode (listen here), Kait and Renata have found themselves at odds with most of the internet on the subject of whether Fifty Shades of Grey is harmful to women. Below are their thoughts–written by Kait, but co-signed by Renata.

Fifty Shades of Grey is not a good book.

I’m not talking about the the things you might think I’m talking about. I don’t have a problem with the sex or the BDSM portrayal or the relationship itself. At its core, as a work of fiction, Fifty Shades is just poorly written. The narrative is weak, the characters are barely more than cardboard cutouts, the text is littered with repetition, and the plot is merely transparent connective tissue that links the sex scenes and doesn’t even come to an actual climax (pun intended). Fifty Shades is a book you read out loud to your friends, laughing at the awkwardly paced writing and doing a shot every time Ana says “jeez” or “oh my,” which is roughly once a page. Its origin as Twilight fanfiction isn’t just noticeable, it’s crucial knowledge if you want any of the character motivations and relationships to make any sense. EL James did a terrible job of filing the serial numbers off and it’s all to the book’s detriment. If someone asked me if I thought they should read this book, I would probably tell them not to waste their time–there’s better porn for free on the internet.

All that being said, I have spent the past two weeks since I read this book defending Fifty Shades against 90% of it’s detractors. Because it’s garbage, yes, but it’s not “abuse,” and I’m sick of people on the internet using that as an excuse to police and shame women’s reading habits.
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Filed under Extras

Happy Valentine’s Day from Worst Bestsellers!

We love you, Best Listeners!

Please enjoy these romantic tributes to some of our favorite episodes. Share them with your friends and cats! And tune in on Monday, February 16th for our long-awaited Fifty Shades of Grey episode!

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Filed under Extras