Tag Archives: National Network of Abortion Funds

Hello, Please Give Us Some Money For Charity!

Hello, Best Listeners!

Your hosts Kait and Renata are trying to raise money for a few good causes, and we’re asking for your help!

Here’s the deal (in chronological order):

* If you are wondering “Where does Renata live?” the answer is: somewhere between Chicago and Kentucky.


Click on each above link to learn more about those causes/events, and also to donate online. If you donate ANY amount to ANY of those causes, we will:

  • Give you a shout-out* on an upcoming episode of the podcast (if you want one)! and
  • Either write you a short ficlet, color a picture, or craft an Artisanal Photoshop for you!

All you have to do is forward your donation receipt or send a screencap of it (if you need to blur out any personal information) to worstbestsellers at gmail dot com, along with what you’d like us to say in your podcast shout-out, and what kind of ficlet (X-Men fanfiction? Our wheelhouse! Outlander fanfiction? … we’ll take a whack at it!) or artistic creation you’d like.

We understand that there are a lot of things out there to spend your money on, and we completely understand if you’re unable to contribute to any of these causes. But we sincerely appreciate any amount you’re able to donate!

If you have any questions or concerns before donating, email us at worstbestsellers at gmail dot com, or tweet to us @worstbestseller .

Thanks for listening!


Kait & Renata


Fine Print

* You can request a shout-out to your blog, podcast, Etsy store, Christian Mingle profile, or whatever else you’d like to share with our listeners! (Although we reserve the right to not read anything gross. Not that we think you guys like gross stuff, we just wanted to put that in writing.) Or, a shout-out to wish a friend or loved one congratulations or happy birthday or condolences! Or a shout-out to yourself for being so awesome. Whatever you want (again, as long as it’s not gross)!

* We’ll probably put your shout-out in the next podcast we record after you donate, unless we get an overwhelming response to this, in which case we might parcel them out over several episodes. If you’d like your shout-out to be associated with a certain book or author, feel free to email us and we’ll see if your choice is scheduled for an upcoming episode.

* For your ficlet or art project, we’ll do our best to finish everything for everyone before our actual charity events in April/May! But we reserve the right to be late if we get a large number of donors.

Filed under Extras