Tag Archives: Uglies

Episode 254 – Uglies

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


On occasion, listeners have suggested Uglies by Scott Westerfeld as a Flashback Summer title, but since we’re all Crumblies here, we were full adults when this contemporary classic YA dystopian novel was released.  Our book club hostess/cult leader Grace joined us to discuss this book that some of us think deserves Best Bestseller status. Listen to this episode while waiting for your SpagBol to cook!

Readers advisory: Here.

Footnotes: “Laverne Cox Talks Pretty Privilege And ‘UGLIES’ Role” by Janeé Bolden

Coming up next: The Merriest Misters by Timothy Janovsky.

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 254 – Uglies

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory