Tag Archives: Theresa Carle-Sanders

Episode 62 – Outlander Kitchen

Outlander Kitchen by Theresa Carle-Sanders

With American Thanksgiving approaching, we wanted to make sure we had enough #herbs on hand, so we had Lucky Peach cookbook reviewer Paula Forbes read Outlander Kitchen: The Official Outlander Companion Cookbook by Theresa Carle-Sanders with us! Based on a blog based on the book series based on Doctor Who fanfiction, the cookbook actually made more sense to us than the first Outlander book did. Pour yourself an overly-elaborate cocktail, harvest your #herbs, and join our dinner party!

Readers advisory: Here.

Footnotes: OutlanderKitchen.com

What is a spurtle and how to cook with it

Meet the author bringing the recipes of Westeros and Warcraft to our world

Elven lembas bread recipe

 Candy pairing: Kait says goat cheese, Paula says fun-size Snickers, Renata says herbs.

Coming up next: The Immortal Nicholas by Glenn Beck.


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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)

Filed under Podcasts

Readers Advisory: Episode 62 – Outlander Kitchen

Here’s what we suggest instead of/in addition to reading Outlander Kitchen: The Official Outlander Companion Cookbook by Theresa Carle-Sanders. Listen to the podcast to hear us talk about some of these titles in more depth!

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Filed under Readers Advisory