Episode 66 – Violets Are Blue

Violets Are Blue by James Patterson

Kait, Renata, and their guest Ryan Sandoval (author of The D.A.D.D.Y. Complex) read Violets Are Blue, the 7th book in James Patterson’s Alex Cross series. Intrepid detective Alex Cross investigates vampire-themed murders, as well as the body of every female character in the book. Join us as we sort ourselves into the four fetish houses: leather, rubber, Goth, and Victorian.

Readers advisory: Here.

Footnotes: You Must Remember This podcast

How Did This Get Made? Vampire’s Kiss episode

James Patterson: How the Bestseller Factory Works

Sade’s Wikipedia page

BookShots by James Patterson

 Candy pairing: Kait says Hershey’s kisses, Renata says a mixed bag of candy, Ryan says novelty wax fangs.

Coming up next: The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer.


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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)

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