Bonus Episode I – Christian Mingle The Movie

Christian Mingle the Movie

Thanks to our generous Patreon supporters, our editor Becca joined us to watch Christian Mingle The Movie for our first Patreon Goal bonus episode! Our longtime sponsor Christian Mingle inspired this romantic comedy; meanwhile, our Patreon patrons sponsored the Straw-Ber-Ritas we got drunk on while we watched it. If you don’t like it when we laugh at our own jokes, you are gonna hate this episode! If you are Stephen Tobolowsky: we’re sorry. Make yourself a steak and/or cake and enjoy this episode!

Footnotes: Stephen Tobolowsky on IMDB

Christian Mingle on IMDB

A Brief History of Lex Luthor’s Cake Stealing Ways

Steaks n Cakes

Hank Schrader's Serial Killer Chalkboard

Hank Schrader’s Serial Killer Chalkboard


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(But no pressure, we’re also happy if you get these items from your local library or independent bookstore.)

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