
The Fair!

Sidenote: There is something on teevee right now with someone singing Phantom of the Opera in a different language. It keeps coming and going, and it's really confusing.

So, the fair. It was like every year, only Allie's rabbit did worse this year than any of her others have done. Two red ribbons. This is to be expected, since this rabbit wasn't supposed to be shown... But, disappointing nonetheless. At least Bruno (the hedgehog) won something big.

My mom and I got to the fairgrounds at 3:30 or so, exactly 10 minutes too late to see Allie showing Blink in his first thing. So, we hung out with our neighbors and watched the judging, then Allie came out and she sat with us for awhile. It was really amusing because she was trying to be all sullen and punk with her black eyeliner, and all the angst, but she was still at the fair, showing rabbits. Which, as far as I know, is pretty unpunk. There were lots of kids like that. High school girls wearing like... bar clothes and heels. Skater kids hanging out by the horse arena trying to be cool. You can pretend to be as cool as you want, but the only thing you had to do this week was hang out at the fair. I found it amusing. Anyhow, we had about an hour before Allie showed Blink again, so my mom and I went and walked through the commercial exhibits and the horse and chicken barns (we used to raise chickens, and we all obviously ride... so it's they're the only two we were interested in).

On our way back to the rabbit barn we were going to stop and get food to eat while we were sitting in the bleachery things watching the judging, but i recalled Allie saying she hadn't eaten since this morning (and she mentioned it like three times, in a "feed me" kind of way), so I suggested we wait and see if Allison wanted to eat with us after judging. So, we didn't eat, and waited for Allie to finish. She comes out after the judging, and we Suggest we go to the Regina restaurant (the best food at the fair), which was met as though we'd suggested she go sewer diving. So, mom and I ate, and walked around some more, and then headed home, by way of the recycling place and the grocery store.

I didn't sleep enough night before last, so I fell asleep at 9:00, really hoping no one would call. Of course Suman called at 9:40 (apparently telling him, upwards of twice a week, not to call late unless I tell him I'll be around to answer it... is useless). As always he's like "Oh shoot, it's after nine! Did I wake up your parents?" I just sort of grumbled something at him and went back to sleep.

And that was my day! Ooh the excitement. As for today, I'm off to see how the MeganHating is going on some other sites, check my email, go read compulsivebowlers.... And maybe work on my layout a little.

P.S. Did anyone notice the typo "two smart" from yesterday? I found it amusing. and I'm too lazy to edit it.



...Need to mail a bunch of stuff
...Should FINISH my blog redesign (I started it, can you believe it?!)
...Still haven't called Brian about getting those books.
...Wish Matt would come back from Wisconsin
...Need to organize my closet, because I can't find ANY of my clothes.
...Am surprised (good surprised, for the most part) by some things I have found written about me.
...Need to figure out how/when/ if I am going to a million auditions this week
...Need to email Dave (dammit, I keep forgetting)
...Need to email Zane's mom
...Am drinking Gatorade
...Have finally become annoyed with my lack of capitalization.
...Get to go to the Johnson County Fair with my sister today!! wooo!
...Think that YOU should come to the fair and see my sister's rabbit, blink.
...Should tell you that my sister's hedgehog won reserve champion (in the fair's pet show).
...Need to talk to Erin about this WordPress business.
...Find it bittersweet to be leaving Blogger after all these years... *sniffle*
...Will elaborate on some points of this list, as I see fit.
...Miss Renata, because she's off being a camp counselor
...Need to email ROB! Goddammit. I keep forgetting...
...Want to look into making a subdomain, and changing all my meagna stuff to something less confusing.
...Really want to get my license back.
...Need to recheck all the Little Shop/Wicked dates. (I think I missed Wicked. Whoops.)
...Should figure out a plan for the next six months. Or I'm gonna go nuts with all these shows.
...Totally have to find out when Cal comes home, because I think it's soon.
...Almost killed myself running to answer the phone today.
...Got new hate mail today!
...Can't get my computer to look at the CB.com boards properly.


Blog design. Ok, so not a lot is done. But there's a definite "layout" that I have decided on, I've narrowed down the graphic possibilities, thought about colors alot... and have begun selecting quotes (which may become an integral part or the design. whooooa). All that's really left is a weekend with Erin to start finalizing stuff, and beg her to help me with the parts that are two smart for me... and Tada! It'll be done. And my blog won't suck again! (Actually, it'll not suck for like, six months, then I'll let it fall into disrepair, and get all sad about it again.) Also, I have a million new links of blogs I read daily, and are UPDATED DAILY! (A novel idea, I know.) So, I'm excited to include those. If only so I can access them all from my blog, without using bookmarks.

Matt's at advanced training (I think that's what AT stands for... *shrug*) in Wisconsin. Where it is apparently much cooler than it is here in stupid Iowa City. So, he needs to get back, because I'm bored and miss him... and his phone gets crappy reception so most phone conversations are like "what? What?! WHAT?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" so yeah. get home soon. (I know, I know, Friday's almost here, and he could be gone for TWO weeks. but I'm impatient.)

I was perusing the many (many many many) online journals of people I know/know me/know of/know of me... and I came across several interesting opinions. Some I was not surprised to find were rude, untrue, and mean. but, then again, I've come to expect that from a lot of people (this goes with my "I got new hate mail today!" thing as well). Yeah, so lots of people don't like me. Lots do. And, occasionally I find out someone I consider a friend has said something unsavory about me (as happened a few weeks ago...) and that's kind of upsetting, just because... well, I thought we were friends. it comes down more to the disrespect involved that can piss me off. Just because it seems two faced. As for people that I don't like, and don't like me... unless there is direct provocation, I'm like.... "Uh, so? Yeah, we don't like each other. Settle." BUT, I also found some really sweet little asides in people's blogs that I never read/always forget about. People I hang out with only when I run into them, but run into them pretty often. So, that was very nice. In addition to my hate mail, I had some nice website mail too. Which was exciting. They were the very opposite ends of the spectrum, which I found very interesting.

I think everyone remembers that every year, I beg everyone to come to the fair to see my sister's rabbits. This year she only has one rabbit, Blink. She was going to show Salvador instead, but he had a cut on his toe. And they said she couldn't show him. So Blink stepped in. Thus, tomorrow at one, in the rabbit barn... I will be hanging out with Allison and Blink. And you should come see us. Because blink's really cute, and he needs some cheering on during the competition.

Today, while making chimichangas for my sister and me (at midnight, no less...) the phone rang. Now, it was our home phone, and it was midnight, so everyone's asleep except Allie and me. So usually I keep the cordless close, in case people call for me later on in the evening... tonight was no different, I had the phone nearby. So it rings, I reach for it... but it's GONE! So I'm like "AH! Allie where is it?!" To add to my distress, I have a pan of chimichangas in my hand at this point... so, I drop the pan on the stove top, and take off for the nearest regular phone, so I can answer it before it rings again. Apparently, to Allison, who was watching... this was the funniest thing she'd seen all night. I was like, leaping over hurdles to get from the kitchen to the library fast enough. While wearing an oven mitt. (It was Graham on the phone, if anyone's wondering...)

I think that's everything. Also, a poll. Should I cross post between Blogger and Livejournal for every significant (like ANY of these are significant....) post? yes? no? you don't care? Or, should I just let Livejournal exist for commenting reasons? But then, it's confusing if it's an empty Livejournal… Oh the decisions.



i'm grouchy. i will elaborate later. but, for now, suffice it to say.... bitter, party of one.... your table is ready.



has anyone seen the x-files episode "conduit"? it's like, the fourth episode of the first season. anyways, it takes place in sioux city, iowa and at lake "okobogee" and all the shots of "okobogee" are like, all crazy and mountainous. (for you non iowans... it's lake okoboji, and it is not mountinous at all. nor are there packs of wolves, as this episode suggests.) also, all the hotel chains and stuff they show don't exist in iowa. *i* thought it was funny. especially the fact that they couldnt' even research enough to get the spelling right.



benny's back in town for the weekend! AND he just got promoted to the general manager of the brothers in lawrence kansas! yay benny! we all went to brothers here in iowa city to celebrate last night. it was so neat to see everyone! JD still insists on calling me "mary lou" instead of megan, and mikey tryed to put me in a headlock, but all in all it was fun. ben's new drink of choice is lime vodka and redbull. it's really bizarrely good. but BRIGHT green. i told JD that it was to brighten up any puking that may result from drinking 25 of them. i think we're all gonna hang out tonight again, but i haven't actually called anyone.

dammit. the cable just went out. stupid cable. it *was* that really annoying colonial lanes commercial that's based on that really annoying quiznos commercial... so it was kinda nice to have that go away, but still. now there's no teevee. which is annoying. and i was gonna text message some peoples phones, but now i can't. boo.

it also means that i can't just publish this whenever i want, i have to wait for the cable to come back. which means i'm either gonna forget to publish it, or ramble on forever. grr. now teevee is back, and the computer CLAIMS that internet is also back, but it is a dirty dirty liar.

(twenty minutes later) it's working again!



erin, i really like the look of wordpress. some of the themes are really awesome, and gave me some great ideas that would be even awesomer (if that's even a word). also, it looks really easy to set up, use, everything. i like it a lot.

emily, i can't tell you how excited i am that you have ALL the books. i'm totally calling brian tomorrow. and i totally still had your house number memorized. ha.

in other news, i'm at matt's house, and him and heff are watching "the cube 2" in the living room. oh my god, it's so bad. all of a sudden matt and all his friends are like "the cube movies are sooooo awwwweeeesssooooome!!!! i just want to die because they are sooooo cooooool." and it makes me want to vomit. because they are not awesome. at all.

i was writing zane the other day, and i was ranting about how i hate the poker craze... everyone is the next professional poker prodigy, and everyone knows soooo much about poker... and it's sooooo cool. it totally reminds me of how people stopped buying merlot after seeing 'sideways' and pinot sales are up, just because the main character hates merlot and loves pinot. i told zane i imagine everyone's poker games are a bunch of lamers sitting around playing texas hold em and drinking pinot. so i'm gonna start a bridge game, where we drink merlot. or ever better, a go fish game where we drink franzia, in plastic cups. just to spite them.

matt and heff are drinking long island mixer like it's going out of style. someone needs to tell them that is is out of style, and tastes like ass.

aaaaall right. i'm gonna go and... do some stuff... now. because i have nothing else to say. i would also like to say, if you don't know me, don't request to gbe my friend on facebook, because i don't know you! you aren't my friend! even if i talked to you for an hour on saturday, i'm still not your friend, you random people i've never heard of!! (if i can't even remember your name, you do not qualify as someone i consider a buddy...)



erin, there's an interesting discussion of moveable type 3.0 here. also i looked into it a little, and while it seems simple enough to use, i know there's no way i could set it up. soooo... i dunno. what was your other suggestion again?


i'm sure someone will find this horribly offensive and be mad at me, but i don't care, because i LOVED this site. totally made me laugh out loud.

"bush: seldom in doubt, often wrong." i also enjoyed... "don't pray in my school, and i won't think in your church."



firstly - erin, i haven't really looked into moveable type at all, but i know several people who use it, and they seem to enjoy it. perhaps i'll go over there and look around... yessss... also, is your email erin@frowl.org? (it would stand to reason that it is... since you're frowl.org/erin... and i'm frowl.org/meagna, and MY email is meagna@frowl.org... but then again, renata's isn't the same... oooh the mystery. also, i vaguely recall you not setting up a frowl account. which you should do, because we have like, four billion frowl emails. and we're only using like six.)

secondly - yay! a comment from joe!

thirdly - i really don't have anything to blog about. i think we're going to a party tonight (who throws parties on a tuesday? honestly...) but i don't know if i really want to go, so i'm going to drink a couple captain and cokes and see if that sways me either way.

i'm hungry though... OH my god, i have wings left over from going to the vine today! happy happy day!

i'm gonna go eat, but ooh, i have a question for emily... which of the sword of truth books do you have? (i am such a nerd, i'm totally rereading the series....) because, i have the first four, but i'm almost done with temple of the winds, and i've read up through the end of temple of the winds before, but never past that... and i'd kinda like to. soooo, if you still have any of those, let me know ^_^

oh my....

so, saturday night was interesting.

if any of you guys saw me, you already knew this....

i somehow ended up at the field house, where i drank waaaay too much bacardi, and then continued to drink way too much beer (with angie meng, from west high, how unbelievably random....) i saw joe whitsitt (hi joe!) and everyone i've EVER known in iowa city (hi everyone!) aaaand one person who i swore i wouldn't mention, because if i do, they'll get in a bunch of trouble from someone else who reads my blog (oooh, is it someone YOU know??)

then i talked to andy bhatia for like, a hour, sitting in the ped mall (i don't know how these things happen. or WHY these people listen to me when i'm WASTED downtown... i'm never interesting.) THEN i decided to go yell at ben paul, because he never answers his phone. so, i walk over to ben's (above india cafe) and notice some people on the fire escape. so, i YELL at them and ask where ben is. they say he lives underneath them, so i drag my drunk ass up stairs, and proceed to pound on the first door i come across. luckily, it is ben's apartment. ben's not there, and some random guy won't let me in (i never did discover who he was...) and he's like "well, ben's not here, who the hell are you?" and i'm like, "i'm megan!" and he's like "go away." and someone inside goes "megan bohlke?!" and i'm like "yes!!!!" so, they let me in, and it's james davies. and HE sat and listened to me ramble for an hour... (poor james. again, people need to ignore me when i'm this wasted. i had such a crush on him in high school, and the first time i talk to him, i'm wasted and ridiculous. so sad.)

then, i went to matt's house and threw mulch at his window until he came and unlocked the door. i'm such a good friend. it was five am when i made it over there. and i'm yelling and throwing stuff.

all in all, a pretty good saturday night. the highlight was prolly me drunkenly going on about how joe was so freaking tall, and grown up, and handsome... (seriously, i was like "you grew up! what happened!?") i'm sure he was like "man, megan's crazy. note to self, avoid her when she's downtown..." oh well, i think everyone in iowa city should make that note to self. or maybe i should try to be less ridiculous. i was pretty good... for me. and i remember all night... which i find amazing... so... yeah.

i've been meaning to blog about this since i got home, but i keep forgetting. doh. but i did it tonight! yay!

i'm gonna finish eating and watching futurama.


fridaaaay night

it's friday night. wooohoooo. i am at home and my parents have friends in town from montana, so they're downstairs with some other friends and they're all drinking, instead of making dinner which is what they SHOULD be doing, because i am slowly STARVING to death. i thought i had a lot to say, which is why i opened blogger... but... i apparently do not. so, maybe i'll blog more later.

oh, i will let everyone know that i'm going out tomorrow night. so, you should go out too, and it will be fun.


whew. tonight was out of control. i caught a ride downtown with adam and his friend megan (not me). we had a drink at dublin, where we met my friends corey and shane. shane was ridiculous. like.... i laughed at him all night. hilarious. then, we were gonna go do a shot at studio, but, we decided that shane was too drunk to do a shot, and he wanted me to catch up to him, so i took TWO tequila shots. then jason (who i hope will be my director soon...) bought me a shot of jager, then i had three kansas city ice waters (long islands with sprite instead of coke).... and decided that i had caught up to shane. THEN shane went and got in a HUGE fight with alan and adam (adam hernandez, who i used to be in love with, check the archives). so, i smoothed things over, but we lost shane. so corey and i looked for him for awhile, and we thought we saw him, so we chased this guy for like two blocks, but it wasn't him. so, suman came to see if i needed a ride, and i gave up on everyone, and went to suman's, because he bought cherry uv for me the other night, and now i'm blogging and emailing, and surfing.... and i'm so glad not to be dealing with the shane draaaaama.

i'll deal with it tomorrow. i bet he calls in sick....


woot! french!

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.

You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.

this makes me want to laugh like the french chef in the little mermaid.

i'm a moron...

i was just reading my blogger profile, and under interests, the only thing i listed was "your mom" and i just read it, and i actually laughed out loud. then stopped... and was like "oh, but i'm sad..."


i also cried during luck of the fryrish and jurassic bark. i sometimes skip them because they make me sad.

i would also like to say that the next time i come to colorado, we are all drinking together again. i think we should find a game involving more math than gin, because i think i laughed more at the six of us desperately trying to add up our scores. or me constantly shuffling multiple decks of cards together, or dealing to the wrong person. i totally want to see the picture that beth took of all of us all wasted. i love that she came in and was like "what, what?! all of my children are wasted!" and was all surprised, and we're like "well, what the heck did you expect!?" i mean, all we did while we played was recall drunken family stories.

i'm watching the daily show and it is cracking me up. george bush: "i think about iraq everyday" i'm like... oh my god, i should hope so! sheesh. and he mentions it so many friggin times.

i seriously only posted because i liked patrick's comment so much.



it cracks me up when people try to be all shady, but they suck, so they just come off looking dumb. example, if you're going to act like a 13 year old and block me on aim, remember that you have your screennames linked, so i can still tell you're on, and that i have my screennames linked, so the blocked name shows up on THOSE buddy lists. man, that's som sneaky stuff. i bet hes doing "exclusive friends" livejournal posts too. it's more amusingly annoyiing at this point, but i feel like it could escalate into "stop being such a damn baby" annoying soon. i'll keep you posted.

i need a job

i'm bored, i'm actually considering getting a real job. but, i've also decided that i won't do that until my room is clean... but i did make some huge improvements yesterday so... who knows?

yesterday i got my headboard and all my books organized, got my teevee and dvd and whatnot organized, and cleared out a lot of boxes of crap and have a place to put my computer! so, all i have left is packing away clothes i won't need til winter (they're all out now because i unpacked them before going to colorado), organizing the REST of my books, and hanging everything else up. oh, and organizing all the drawers and shelves on my vanity table. i really should find some sort of seat for it too. i've been using my desk chair, but now i have a desk. so... i'm torn as to what to do.

i was so amused by patrick's comment this morning. ah, drunken gin playing was a highlight of the reunion. especially with amy pounding on things with the brandy bottle, emily "sleeping" in the other room, yet still taking part in the conversations... dan tipping his chair over... aaah, such good times. colorado totally messed with my booze tolerence. like, while i was there and once i got back, i had no idea how many drinks it would take to get me drunk, because it was so random. some nights, two cocktails and i was gone, others i could go all night. when i got back to iowa city, i couldn't drinkk more than three drinks without being sick drunk. stupid colorado! but now, i'm back in iowa city and have gotten back my ability to drink more than anyone my size should... and still seem semi sober. it's really dangerous, people listen to me even though NO one should do what i tell them when i'm in that state.

aw man, i just got a headache. like, a reaaaally bad one, all of a sudden. i think it's because i haven't had a cigarette in quite a while. so, i'm gonna stop blogging and turn out the lights so i don't die. i might break down and have a cigarette later, but i don't know. i will definitely write more later though.



i have internet in my room again!! it makes me soooo happy! but, i also just remembered that for some reason there's a major delay when i type on blogger, and that makes me sad. doh.

i forgot that i have to type all blog entries in notepad on this computer. no idea why, blogger didn't USED to do this, then it started one day, and i've only seen it on this computer. so, that's really annoying, but my computer kicks my parents' computer's ass. so i'll just use notepad and it'll be ok.

it's so nice to have this up again! yay! but, i don't have a desk yet, so it's really not a very comfortable set up... there's no where to put the keyboard, so i have to have it in my lap. which i hate, becuase it hurts my wrists. tomorrow i'm gonna put my old table up here to act as a desk (if my parents will let me have it. they have this thing where they just take over my stuff. like, i was gonna put my microwave in the kitchen here, because it's newer and works better than our old one, but my mom decided that it's hers now, and that she needs it for her bathroom. which is just bizarre. but, i'm not allowed to use it anymore, and i fear the same may have occured with my table.)

today has been.... yech. not too great. got up, started cleaning/rearranging my room, called some people to take care of some errands, filled out some paperwork stuff, tried to call other people who don't answer their phones, and kept cleaning. my dad got home at like six, and i'd just talked to him on the phone an hour earlier, and i was like "ooh, i hope he brought home something to cook, and some milk." because we're out of milk, and have no groceries. so, i'm all hopeful the brought stuff, because i'd just talked to him and told him all this. nooooo he gets home and starts yelling at me, then allison, then the dog, the allison.... i just went up to my room as soon as he got here, because he was being a jerk, and i'm really sick of my parents not talking to anyone unless it's yelling or complaining. my mom especially. she just had this great chance to take a job she's wanted for the past ten years, and she turned it down. because she's too scared to change, even though it's something she's talked about and wanted as long as i can remember. and now she bitches about her job, and her current situation, and it's like "well, duh. it's always been like that, that's why you wanted the change, remember?"

ugh, sorry. it's just that i really don't like living at home, and i wish there was something i could do, but there isn't, and it sucks. so, i'm just ranting, because i haven't gotten to talk to anyone today, and i'm in a bad mood. sorry.

but, i'm gonna go set up my email, because that will put me in a good mood ^_^

look! it's me and charlie! that's the only one i'm uploading now, cuz i'm tired. but, more to come later.


i love that blogger now has the picture insert thingy. hot.

i wanna upload some pictures now, but i actually signed on to bitch about some stuff. i'm really annoyed with people who need attention so badly that they can't keep their damn mouthes shut. it's one thing if what they're saying is true, and i was stupid enough to confide in them, but when things are ENTIRELY made up... Grrr. what really irks me about it is that these people had nothing to gain from telling lies about me.... and were being sweet as could be to my face all night. and come to find out they're assholes. i'm upset that i'm still pissed about it, especially because (thank god) the person they were telling these things to is smarter than that, and didn't believe them and came and talked to me about it instead. still though, why do people have to suck?

so, this weekend laura and i had a bonfire, and it was awesome, and i had so much fun, and i totally just want all my friends to just come to my house all the time. i also want my parents to be out of town all the time. they've been back for like six hours and i am already in a much worse mood. I missed the fireworks today, I told my mom i kinda wanted to go to coralville with her and allie to see them, and she acknowledged that she heard me.... then i came downstairs and she'd left without me. and i was sad. my parents do that to me all the time. just ignore the fact that i would like to do things with them and leave me at home. that's what really put me in a bad mood this evening... then, i was like "oh well, i'm not gonna get all upset, there's nothing i can do." but, i did get all grouchy and sad and upset. i didn't get to see any fireworks, and i sat upstairs and watched bad teevee instead. sure, i could have gone outside and walked down the road to see the fireworks, but i felt like it would put me in an even worse mood to go stand by myself on the side of the road and watch fireworks.

but, mitch called to wish me a happy fourth of july, which cheered me up (yay mitch!). i totally want to call him right now, since all the pv kids are having a party, and i told mitch i totally want to talk to him when he's all stupid and wasted... but stupid colorado and it's stupid mountains... no way to call. stupid mountains.

hmm. what else. we had illegal afterhours last night, and encountered a very rude cop... "how stupid are you?! how long did you think you'd do this without someone finding out!? god!" (in regards to our party) and we're like "well, we did it prolly ten times last summer and never got caught, and we've been up here for a good three hours and you caught us as we were leaving.... soooo, seems like you're the one that's not too quick..." so then we went to jerry's house, where i sulked over my stupid friends and how much they suck... (seriously, i say this to zane all the time, i HATE my friends. they are all such tools. and what's funny, is that none of the people i'm referring to read my blog. i have like two cool friends that i regularly hang out with and read this. and that's it. and it sucks. i either need to make new friends, or just hang out alone ALL the time instead of a lot of the time.)

man, i'm sorry i'm so angsty... maybe i'll just post this, then see what pictures i can be annoying and upload.