
wearing: bright orange harry potter pants, a white tank top, and really cushy socks, because my toe is injured, and i'm trying to keep it from getting more injured by wrapping it in band aids and wearing cushy socks.

on winamp: jushua kobek (that's what the sign at gabes said..... yeah) no. joshua. kobak. he rocks my socks. yeah, i'm gonna listen to some matt caplan in a minute though. joshua's noising too much. (you know, when he's not really singing, just like making noise... stuart does that a lot, and i'm like "i LOVE that!" but when joshua does it i'm like "oh, sing!") SPEAKING OF STUART.... (and when am i not?) he's going to be at the mill this weekend. sunday sept. second 7:00. so you should all come see him. $9 at the door. just for the record, if you're nic, i already told ben to buy a ticket, because you're coming. and, if you're anyone else, you should be coming. i told ben that i knew for sure he needed to put me down for three tickets. me, nic and jeff. but jeff hasn't called me this week so *sob* well, i'm not really too upset, in fact, i'm not upset at all, which disturbs me. since i usally am upset over nothing... so, the point of that was... i suppose i might have an extra ticket. *looks at abi, matt, erin and both patricks* yeah, so talk to me about that.

feeling: really sleepy, really worn out. like, physically exhausted. it sucks.

should be: doing my psychology homework. but, i don't fully remember what it is. oooh hey, i'll just check the handy website! (mr. neuzil is totally website happy... yeah, it's nice though) *goes to check website*

quote: "matt's so creative. i could never think of something so clever to do with my pants." (yeah, go to the st paul section of time fies and look at the picture of me and matt. the one where you can see his pants. oooh my god, i was laughing SO hard at that last night...

nails: still dark grey. i'm going to redo them when i go upstairs though. if you want input on what color my nails should be, im me. the choices are... dark grey with sparkles (again), light sparkly purple, dark sparkly burgandy, light sparkly blue, light pink, light pink with sparkles, dark pink with sparkles, bright pink, and painfully bright blue (and i dont' feel like the painfully bright blue, so don't suggest it)

thoughts: so, at least i got my schedule fixed. my schedule now kicks so much ass. it's great.

1. band
2. pe/open (pe on a days, for any west people who are wondering)
3. psychology
4. open
5. open
6. AP english
7. photography

i love all my teachers, except maybe rachael ayers (i'm so confused by the name, she's always changing what she wants to be called, so i can't just call her rachael, or ms. ayers... *sigh*) i like her... i guess, but she seems like... she's annoyed by us all. like "i could be off taking awesome pictures, but i have to put up with this class! bah!" *shrug*

ok, so wow, i was just flailing around and i hit my joshua cd case, and it like FLEW into the air, arched over my head... (it would have been cool in slow motion, because i was watching it in disbelief as it sailed overhead... hey, sailing is a joshua song reference... oooh i'm deep.) anyhow... as it flew by, i was like "Aaack!" and it hit the cat, who was asleep on the couch. and he got all angry and ran off.

apparently someone hit a mountain lion on the interstate last night. i didn't know iowa had mountian lions. maybe we only have one. well, damn... i guess we don't even have one anymore. *sigh* we FINALLY get a mountain lion, and someone hits it. sheesh.

tomorrow is school pictures, i have to get one taken, even though it's just for IDs since i'm having senior pictures done for the yearbook.

while i'm on the subject, i'm going to rant about my senior pictures... i haven't had them taken yet, and my mom keeps trying to get me to agree to wear my prom dress for some of them, or like, to go buy a formal dress to wear. only, like i NEVER wear formal dresses, so why would i want pictures of me looking awkward in formal dresses?? yeah. i'm wearing my dark blue jeans and my blue boat neck shirt for some of them... then changing to my flowered skirt that's really a dress and my green scoop neck shirt... and then a couple in like... my light jeans and my pink shirt that reminds me of strawberry shortcake. i bet erin's the only one who has ANY clue what i'm talking about. OH, i'm gonna go to maurices and buy a grey skirt like erin's to wear for a picture too. *nod*

erin and i match a lot. i think it's because we go shopping together, and we have the same tastes in clothes. and shoes. we wore matching shoes today. wooot.

so, i'm gonna go do my psych homework. toodle pip.



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