
wearing: my pj shorts, my new "high maintenance" shirt (note... i've never known how to spell that, but now i can look down at my shirt, and it's there, in sparkly gold letters.)

eating: like four different things. i'm totally pigging out *sob* i feel all gross and fat. but yeah. cheetos, a cinnamonster cinnamon roll, and a chocolate croissant from panera. *hangs head*

nails: still burgandy, but i'm gonna paint them in just a minute. i got this AWESOME new nail polish at old navy today, it's pink and really sparkly.

feeling: *sigh* like a typical blonde teenage girl *ditzy*

thoughts: i use the word 'awesome' way too much. anyhow, i went to the mall twice today... (i'm always at the mall *sigh*) and yeah. i went to wal mart once too. so i could get a shirt. it's a really comfy shirt. it's like... the same material as my blankies (on a side note, yes, i still sleep with my baby blankets every night. they're both green and reeally old and ratty, but i love them dearly). i also got two shirts for work. and a pair of bright pink flip flops (i reallly wanted the light pink ones :( but they didn't have them in my size.) mmm and i got this spiffy necklace, it's like a little heart with a rainbow on it, and a fake diamond. i used to have one exactly like it when i was seven. but i lost it. oh, and i spent most of the day with missy and emily and emily's brother brian. goood times. we took a brief detour to the kitchen ware section of dillards, and there was this crazy set of utensils... and one of them was a "single/double jigger" and i was like "wtf?!" and there was this other thing, that was supposedly a strainer... but looked more like ... ah... well, it didn't really look like anything identifiable, but it DEFINITELY didn't look like a strainer.

well, i'm going to go and send out an e-mail informing everyone that i got rid of YomegaMoo and am now using veryloudbeep. (note... my shift key got stuck while i was typing that, and i had to spend like three minutes fixing it.)



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