
*note: if you feel you have been left out, let me know and I will see what my people can do for you. my one requirement is that you UPDATE YOUR STUPID BLOG.

People I Know

Kellie: has been blogging for longer than anybody I know (except for maybe Jason Kottke. But 1) I don't really know him and 2) you can't win 'em all). Kellie happens to be the brains behind These Aren't My Shoes Productions, which is damn cool. She also refers to my blog as a "delightful misanthropy," and that makes me happy.

Kerry: is my room-mate from the '04-'05 schoolyear, and undoubtedly one of the most awesome people, ever. She is my official partner in MST3k. I also got her completely, shamelessly addicted to Katamari Damacy, of which I am proud. Together we are masters of weird internet crap, which there should be some sort of dormitory, indie-exclusive award for.

m*dot: is my copy. Seriously. We are basically the same person, except that Marion is from Canada and has shorter hair than I do. It is especially freaky when we gang up on people by standing on either side of them and staring at them, while dressed in a similar fashion. We neither of us like asparagus.

MED: is wonderful. She and I were altos together for two years in our school's madrigal dinners, and it was because of her that I got to say the line "perhaps we should tie him up," multiple times. MED happens to be the genius behind the infamous Cuban Wolves song. She and I have the best rendition of Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You in existence.

Rebecca: has a Root Bear army. And there may be owmatl in her oatmeanl. We're not entirely sure. Rebecca is a regular in "the chat," and I was once almost mauled by a certain sad cow when I accidentally called her "Kiripin". Don't do it. Someday we are going to form a really weird band and frighten children together.

Renata: is the queen of educational software. We both loved the X-Files (before it sucked), and had a certain affinity with Jimmy from The Lone Gunmen series in its short life. Renata is author of the best American Gods site in existence, acknowledged by Neil Gaiman himself. She is a large part of the reason that I blog in the first place.

Tura: is one of the people I never really got a chance to know during school, which I happen to regret a lot as she is completely rock-tastic. She does keep an excellent blog, which is a place of obsessive-blogging zen. Aaaah, zen. What are you doing here still?! Go read her blog already!

LJ Friends: Includes just about everybody else and their mother who keeps a livejournal that I am friends with. I apologize for not giving every one of these people a bio-link thingy, as well. But I am lazy.

People I Don't

Blurbomat: Dooce's counterpart. Enjoyable blurbs about apple computers, general computer know-how, and other geekery. With some truly excellent photos.

Dooce: The original "fired-for-blogging" blogger. Dooce's writing makes me cry and hit things from laughter. Her kid is also fricking adorable.

Fussy: Another blogger who causes me to wail with laughter. Hey, you can watch her hair grow! Also a contender for keeper-of-ridiculously-cute-child award. Now with professional blogging action! A collection of anything and everything, he's been at it for longer than anyone else I can think of (1998!!).

Neil Gaiman: Story getting twisted, where's Neil when you need him? Just go read his blog. Seriously. He updates more than I do. Which is wrong for so many reasons.

News of the Dead: Wiley Wiggins (remember him?!) has a blog. And it is filled with gooey internet/film/OS X goodness. Go. View the splendor. Do it now!

Beth Cherry: A blogging adventure continued. That's right, she's still at it in some form. This is archive-less enlightenment. I just can't stop perusing archives or checking for picture updates vicariously through people's blogs, apparently. I feel so stalky. Truly cool blog.

Stuart Davis: Not getting enough shiny naked Stu? Well he blogs!! Be like me and personally inform him of how the entry about bees made an impact on your life.

Writing My Name In Water: Dan Winckler's wild blogging romp. Undeniably awesome. It's this guy's fault I love Brian Eno the way I do.


#!/usr/bin/girl: Oooh. Shiny.
amalah: Truly the Queen of Everything. Boing boing boing.
emotion eric: Your favorite emoting Asian and mine.
engrish: Calm down monkey.
go fug yourself: It's funny 'cause it's true.
homestarrunner: My blood hurts.
memepool: Click, dammit. Miyazaki. In so many ways.
penny arcade: Hair (that may have been too fast)
stringberg&helium: Mi-se-ryyyyy!
toothpastefordinner: The floor is made of lava!!
webzen: My eeyes! they bleed of webzen!
zefrank: His name is not Frank.